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Carpentry joints

In carpentry joints, timber elements are permanently jointed by shaping – without additional mechanical fasteners.

Regulatory framework

DIBt grants national technical approvals (abZ) for carpentry joints

  • when they are not covered by the harmonised standards and
  • when they deviate significantly from the Technical Building Rules (cf. MVV TB, Chapter C 2) or
  • when neither Technical Building Rules nor generally recognised technical rules exist (e.g. innovative products).

European Technical Assessments (ETAs) can also be issued for carpentry joints that are not (fully) covered by a harmonised standard.

For applications comprising carpentry joints, DIBt grants general construction technique permits (aBG) when there is no conclusive technical rule for design and execution.

National procedure

A national technical approval (abZ) and/or oder general construction technique permit (aBG) is granted upon application (see Model Building Code (MBO), Sections 16a(2) and18(2) and (4)). This also applies to amendments and supplements to, or renewals of existing approvals and/or construction technique permits.

No formal requirements apply. The following information is needed: name and address of the applicant, description of the product and/or construction technique and its field of use or application, type of decision required (new decision, amendment or supplement to, or renewal of, an existing decision).

Please feel free to use the template below.

European Technical Assessment (ETA)

To start the ETA procedure, please submit the form below. We will then check if the prerequisites for issuing an ETA are met, i.e., in particular, if the product is not fully covered by an existing harmonised standard. If the prerequisites are met, we will check whether a European Assessment Document (EAD) covering the requested assessment scope already exists or still needs to be developed. If an EAD needs to be developed or amended, a complete technical file needs to be established before the procedure can begin.


new decision
valid until
Subject concerned Applicant Decision no. Validity
from / to
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G: 16.02.2029
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G: 19.02.2029
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G: 17.04.2029
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G: 17.05.2026
Holz Schiller Red-Grandis-Pfosten-Riegel-Brettschichtholz Holz Schiller GmbH Pointenstraße 24 94209 Regen Z-9.1-922 Z: 12.04.2024
G: 12.04.2029
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G: 23.09.2029
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G: 05.12.2029