Department P – Presidential Department
The sections of the Presidential Department perform coordination tasks serving to shape and further develop the national and European regulatory frameworks for construction products and techniques. In addition to providing legal expertise in matters of building regulations and construction product law, this includes, for example, liaising with the technical assessment bodies of other European countries, recognising and notifying independent third-party bodies, market surveillance, updating the Technical Building Rules, supporting national and European standardisation and informing economic actors about the applicable legislation relating to the marketing and use of construction products in Germany via the portal of the Product Contact Point for Construction – Germany.

Matthias Springborn
Head of Section – EOTA, UEAtc
Phone +49 30 78730 -288
contact by email
Fields of Activity
Liaison with the European Organisation for Technical Assessment (EOTA)
- Contributing to the Executive Board and the Technical Board
- Co-ordinating the development of European Assessment Documents (EAD)
- Co-ordinating the issuance of European Technical Assessments (ETA) by DIBt
- Co-ordinating DIBt's commenting activities on draft EADs and, where relevant, draft ETAs prepared by other EOTA members
Liaison with the European Union for Technical Approval in Construction (UEAtc)
- Contribution to UEAtc groups and committees
- Co-ordinating the mutual recognition of tests carried out in the framework of approval procedures between UEAtc members ('confirmation procedure'), bilaterally or multilaterally as a Euro-Agrément procedure

Kerstin Abend
Head of Section – European and International Law
Phone +49 30 78730 -216
contact by email
Fields of Activity
- Legal affairs concerning European and international law
- Legal matters relating to Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 (Construction Products Regulation), its implementation and application
- Legal matters relating to Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 on market surveillance
- Legal matters relating to Regulation (EU) No 765/2008 setting out the requirements for accreditation and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 339/93
- Legal matters relating to Regulation (EU) 2019/515 on the mutual recognition of goods
- Legal matters relating to other areas of European law pertaining to DIBt's responsibilities, e.g. to the notification procedure for technical regulations under Directive (EU) 2015/1535
- Legal matters relating to market surveillance
- EU legislative procedures pertaining to DIBt's responsibilities

Dr Rolf Kaulich
Head of Section – Recognition and Notification of Third-Party Bodies
Phone +49 30 78730-369
contact by email
Fields of Activity
Recognition/notification of independent third-party bodies
- Recognition and monitoring of testing laboratories, inspection and certification bodies under the Building Codes of the federal states
- Keeping a directory of the testing laboratories, inspection and certification bodies recognised under the Building Codes of the federal states
- Notification of testing laboratories and certification bodies in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 (Construction Products Regulation, CPR)
- Coordination and assessment of general policy matters relating to recognition and notification
Read more on Testing, inspection and certification
Secretariat for DIBt expert committees
- SVA PÜZ 3 for general policy matters relating to recognition and notification
- SVA PÜZ 4 for deliberation of applications for recognition or notification
Commenting activities
- Comments on national conformity confirmation procedures and AVCP systems in connection with standards
- Comments on national conformity confirmation procedures in connection with national technical approvals
- Comments on AVCP systems in connection with European Assessment Documents (EADs) and European Technical Assessments (ETAs)

Elke Schwarzwald
Head of Section – Technical Building Rules, Building Research
Phone +49 30 78730-255
contact by email
Fields of Activity
Technical Building Rules
- Co-ordinating update activities for the Model Administrative Provisions – Technical Building Rules (MVV TB) in consultation with the federal states
- Preparing the publication of the Model Administrative Provisions - Technical Building Rules
Read more on the Technical Building Rules
Building research
- Administering the building research funds of the federal states for technical studies of general regulatory concern in the field of construction
- General management of building research projects
- Co-ordinating reporting activities related to the studies
Read more on Building research
Activities for the Conference of Construction Ministers (Bauministerkonferenz)
- Notifying draft technical rules and provisions in the field of construction within the regulatory competence of the federal states under Directive (EU) 2015/1535
- Secretariat for different committees reporting to the Conference of Construction Ministers
Ulrike Stangner
Head of Section – Market Surveillance
Phone +49 30 78730-430
contact by email
Fields of Activity
The DIBt Market Surveillance Section acts as the joint market surveillance authority of the German federal states with regard to harmonised construction products. Responsibilities include:
- uniform testing and evaluation of construction products, commissioning expert opinions and tests
- carrying out market surveillance procedures which the market surveillance authorities of the federal states have delegated to DIBt, taking appropriate action, imposing sanctions
- co-ordinating the market surveillance activities of the federal states
- providing expertise to the federal states with regard to market surveillance for harmonised construction products (including related to establishing the sector-specific market surveillance strategy , developing implementation provisions and training)
- co-operating with the customs authorities
- collaborating with the market surveillance authorities from other EU Member States and third countries
- notifying construction products 'presenting a serious risk' via the EU rapid alert system RAPEX
- representing the federal states in the European Administrative Cooperation Group – Construction Products Regulation (AdCo CPR), which brings together the market surveillance authorities from the EU Member States
- participating in joint market surveillance initiatives and in the European Information and Communication System for Market Surveillance (ICSMS)
Read more on Market surveillance

Anna Kampe
Head of Section (acting) – Product Contact Point for Construction, Coordination of Standardisation Matters
Phone +49 30 78730-390
contact by email
Fields of activity
Coordination of DIBt's contribution to standardisation work in the construction sector
We co-ordinate the activities of DIBt staff in the field of standardisation.
Our officers from the technical departments actively contribute to European standardisation (both harmonised and non-harmonised) through CEN and to national standardisation through DIN.
On behalf of the German federal states, they share their technical expertise and ensure that regulatory concerns are taken into consideration.
Read more on Standardisation matters
Product Contact Point for Construction
DIBt has been designated as the Product Contact Point for Construction (PCPC) – Germany under the Construction Products Regulation.
The PCPC provides information about the national and European provisions relating to the placing on the market and use of construction products in Germany. The service also informs economic operators about the provisions relating to the planning, design and execution of construction works.

Aileen Schöneberg
Head of Section – EU Policy Officers of the Conference of Construction Ministers
Fields of activity
Monitoring EU policies and advising the Conference of Construction Ministers of the Federal States from a legal and technical perspective
The EU Policy Officers are an independent and autonomous unit of the Conference of Construction Ministers of the Federal States. Organisationally, the EU Policy Officers have been placed under the roof of DIBt.
- Consulting the Conference of Construction Ministers, its committees – i.e., the Committee for Urban Development, Construction and Housing (ASBW) and the Committee for Public Building (ASH) –as well as its commissions on questions relating to EU directives, regulations and judgments of the Court of Justice of the European Union
- Informing and advising the Conference of Construction Ministers about legislative procedures and initiatives envisaged by the EU
- Monitoring of the work of the EU Institutions and analysis of policies that are of relevance to the Conference of Construction Ministers
- Co-operation with the competent federal state ministries and the competent representatives at federal and EU level
- Contributing to federal/federal state working groups on behalf of the Conference of Construction Ministers