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Registration of energy performance certificates

The GEG registration point at DIBt issues registration numbers for energy performance certificates and inspection reports for air conditioning systems. Energy consultants and inspectors of air-conditioning systems can register with the GEG registration point and obtain registration numbers there.

The current legal basis for the registration is the Buildings Energy Act (Gebäudeenergiegesetz or GEG for short). However, registration duties have existed since 2014 on the basis of the Energy Saving Ordinance (EnEV).

As the GEG registration point, DIBt runs the technical platform for the registration of energy performance certificates and inspection reports for air-conditioning systems. The Institute is also responsible for carrying out electronic validity checks, which form the first stage of the control system for these data sets.The control stages 2 and 3 are carried out by the competent authorities of the federal states.

Further information

  • Info Portal of the BBSR
    Learn more about the legal framework to promote energy efficiency in Germany and the energy performance certificate system.
  • Technical questions
    DIBt answers technical questions related to the registration platform and the  related user accounts. Please do not hesitate to write us an email.