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Closures with fire resistance and/or smoke control characteristics covered by a standard

Single and double-leaf external pedestrian doorsets (swing doors), industrial, commercial or garage doors or curtains with fire resistance and/or smoke control characteristics are either opened manually and always close automatically or are normally held open and close automatically in case of fire or smoke.

These closures are made of:

  • sheet steels with fire-protective inlays,
  • timber and wood-based materials,
  • aluminium or steel tubular frame with glazing,
  • specially coated fabrics.

Regulatory framework

External pedestrian doorsets, commercial, industrial and garage doors or curtains with fire resistance and/or smoke control characterstics are considered to be 'regulated construction products', i.e. the references of the harmonised product standards have been published in the Official Journal of the European Union.

A coexistence period from 1 November 2016 to 1 November 2019 was specified in the European Official Journal (OJEU C398/09 of 28 October 2016) for closures with fire resistance and smoke control characteristics (DIN EN 16034) in conjunction with DIN EN 13241 (industrial, commercial, garage doors and gates) or DIN EN 14351-1 (external pedestrian doorsets).

Since 1 November 2019, only CE marking is possible for closures with fire resistance and/or smoke control characteristics covered by these standards. These products must be manufactured and marked on the basis of DIN EN 16034.

Since then, manufacturing and marking in accordance with a national technical approval (abZ) is no longer permitted for closures with fire resistance and/or smoke control characteristics covered by the above-mentioned product standards.