Construction products detail

Drainage pumps for drainage systems

Drainage pumps for drainage systems are used for lifting greywater or foul water, which can contain different components of organic, inorganic or mineral origin. Drainage pumps for drainage systems are usually not self-priming in which case they are completely immersed into the pumping medium.

Regulatory framework

In this work area, DIBt grants national technical approvals (abZ). European Technical Assessments (ETAs) can also be issued for corresponding products.

The technical rules to be observed for the installation of drains inside or outside the building include:

  • DIN EN 12050 (series) – Wastewater lifting plants for buildings and sites
  • DIN EN 12056 (series) – Gravity drainage systems inside buildings
  • DIN 1986-100 – Drainage systems on private ground – Part 100: Specifications in relation to DIN EN 752 and DIN EN 12056
  • DIN EN 752 – Drain and sewer systems outside buildings
  • DIN 4102-1 – Fire behaviour of building materials and building components – Part 1: Building materials; concepts, requirements and tests
  • DIN EN 13501-1 – Fire classification of construction products and building elements – Part 1: Classification using data from reaction to fire tests

Test and verifications for drainage pumps should be carried out based on test plans prepared by DIBt on an application-specific basis.

pdf-Datei Guideline: How to provide drawings for national technical approvals and general construction technique permits (5 pages ) Version: July 2017

National procedure

A national technical approval (abZ) and/or oder general construction technique permit (aBG) is granted upon application (see Model Building Code (MBO), Sections 16a(2) and18(2) and (4)). This also applies to amendments and supplements to, or renewals of existing approvals and/or construction technique permits.

No formal requirements apply. The following information is needed: name and address of the applicant, description of the product and/or construction technique and its field of use or application, type of decision required (new decision, amendment or supplement to, or renewal of, an existing decision).

Please feel free to use the template below.

European Technical Assessment (ETA)

To start the ETA procedure, please submit the form below. We will then check if the prerequisites for issuing an ETA are met, i.e., in particular, if the product is not fully covered by an existing harmonised standard. If the prerequisites are met, we will check whether a European Assessment Document (EAD) covering the requested assessment scope already exists or still needs to be developed. If an EAD needs to be developed or amended, a complete technical file needs to be established before the procedure can begin.


new decision
valid until
Subject concerned Applicant Decision no. Validity
from / to
Rückstaupumpanlage mit der Bezeichnung "Pumpfix F Standard" und "Pumpfix F Komfort" Kessel AG Bahnhofstraße 31 85101 Lenting Z-53.2-388 Z: 02.10.2020
G: 02.10.2025
Rückstaupumpanlage "ECOLIFT" Kessel AG Bahnhofstraße 31 85101 Lenting Z-53.2-487 Z: 30.03.2021
G: 30.03.2026
Abwasserhebeanlage zur Unterflurinstallation in der Bodenplatte mit der Bezeichnung "ACO Muli-UF MWP" ACO Passavant GmbH Ulsterstraße 3 36269 Philippsthal Z-53.2-489 Z: 30.11.2020
G: 30.11.2025
Rückstaupumpanlage mit der Bezeichnung "Hybridhebeanlage Ecolift L" und "Hybridhebeanlage Ecolift XL" Kessel AG Bahnhofstraße 31 85101 Lenting Z-53.2-493 Z: 01.12.2023
G: 24.11.2025
Abwasserhebeanlage für Unterflurinstallation "ACO Muli-Flex" ACO Passavant GmbH Im Gewerbepark 11c 36466 Dermbach Z-53.2-507 Z: 30.11.2022
G: 30.11.2027