Repair mortars and concretes
Repair mortar (RM) and repair concrete (RC) consist of cement-bound mortar or concrete, which may be polymer-modified or not, and, where necessary, a bonding agent and levelling filler or scratch coating. The concrete repair systems are applied manually or by concreting.
Sprayed mortar (SRM) and sprayed concrete (SRC) consist of cementitious mortar or concrete, which may be polymer-modified or not, applied by spraying. The abbreviations SRM and SRC stand for "sprayable repair mortar" and "sprayable repair concrete".
The concrete repair systems RM/RC and SRM/SRC are used for repairing concrete structures. Examples include filling locally limited interstices to restore the original surface of the structure (reprofiling) or large-area applications, e.g. to increase the concrete cover of the reinforcement, to produce a surface profile or to strengthen the concrete cross-section.
A distinction is made between concrete repair systems RM/RC that can only be applied to horizontal or slightly inclined surfaces under non-dynamic loading (application case I) and concrete repair systems that can be applied to surfaces at any inclination angle under dynamic (e.g. caps, bridge soffits) or non-dynamic (e.g. retaining walls, abutments) loading (application case II).
Spray mortar/concrete is not suitable as a concrete repair system on horizontal, slightly inclined surfaces that have to be sprayed from above (e.g. top surfaces of roadway slabs on bridges). With machine application, a distinction is made between dry and wet spraying methods.
The 'Additional technical terms of contract for the repair of concrete structures in hydraulic engineering' (Zusätzliche Technische Vertragsbedingungen für die Instandsetzung der Betonbauteile von Wasserbauwerken, ZTV-W LB 219) provide for a classification of the existing structures or sections to be repaired into age classes based on their properties at the time of repair. The concrete repair systems RM/RC or the sprayed mortar/concrete SRM/SRC are assigned to concrete age classes according to the existing properties:
- RM-A4, RM-A5, RC-A4, RC-A5 or
- SRM-A2, SRM-A3, SRM-A4, SRM-A5, SRC-A2, SRC-A3, SRC-A4, SRC-A5
Polymer concrete (PRC) consists of plastic-bonded concrete and, where required, a bonding agent, which is applied manually. The abbreviation stands for "polymer repair concrete".
Polymer concrete is used for repairing concrete structures. Examples include filling locally limited interstices to restore the original surface of the structure (reprofiling).
The 'Additional technical terms of contract and guidelines for engineering structures' (Zusätzliche Technische Vertragsbedingungen und Richtlinien für Ingenieurbauten, ZTV-ING) do not provide for a classification of the existing structures or sections to be repaired into concrete age classes based on their properties at the time of repair. Polymer concrete can generally be assigned to the concrete age class A4 based on the existing properties.
Regulatory framework
DIBt prepares evaluations of the fitness for use of repair mortars and concretes in the area of transport infrastructure construction. The evaluations provide independent validation of additional information that cannot be stated in the declaration of performance.
It would also be possible to issue an ETA instead of an evaluation, however, there are no European Assessment Documents (EADs) for repair mortars and concretes as yet.
In accordance with the ZTV-ING and ZTV-W LB 219, the evaluations serve as 'verifiable confirmation' (prüffähige Bescheinigung) and are recognised as equivalent to project-specific verifications when they fully correspond to the construction specifications. The Notes on ZTV-ING (Hinweise zu den ZTV-ING) – Part 3 – Section 4 and the BAWRecommendation 'Repair products – Notes for the expert designer on works-related product characteristics and test methods' (BAWEmpfehlung "Instandsetzungsprodukte – Hinweise für den Sachkundigen Planer zu bauwerksbezogenen Produktmerkmalen und Prüfverfahren") are to be observed to support the construction specifications and the execution of construction work.
ZTV-ING – Part 3 – Section 4
Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, Federal Highways Division (ed.):
Zusätzliche Technische Vertragsbedingungen und Richtlinien für Ingenieurbauten – Teil 3 Massivbau – Abschnitt 4 Schutz und Instandsetzung von Betonbauteilen, October 2017
Notes on ZTV-ING – Part 3 – Section 4
Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, Federal Highways Division (ed.):
Hinweise zu den ZTV-ING – Teil 3 Massivbau – Abschnitt 4 Schutz und Instandsetzung von Betonbauteilen, April 2019
ZTV-W LB 219
Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, Department of Waterways, Shipping (ed.):
Zusätzliche Technische Vertragsbedingungen – Wasserbau – für die Instandsetzung der Betonbauteile von Wasserbauwerken (Leistungsbereich 219), June 2017
BAWRecommendation 'Repair products'
Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute (BAW) (ed.):
BAWEmpfehlung "Instandsetzungsprodukte – Hinweise für den Sachkundigen Planer zu bauwerksbezogenen Produktmerkmalen und Prüfverfahren", May 2019
European Technical Assessment (ETA)
To start the ETA procedure, please submit the form below. We will then check if the prerequisites for issuing an ETA are met, i.e., in particular, if the product is not fully covered by an existing harmonised standard. If the prerequisites are met, we will check whether a European Assessment Document (EAD) covering the requested assessment scope already exists or still needs to be developed. If an EAD needs to be developed or amended, a complete technical file needs to be established before the procedure can begin.
- pdf-Datei Form for requesting a European Technical Assessment (ETA) (2 pages ) Last updated: 10 April 2024
Voluntary evaluations of fitness for use
Where the relevant harmonised standard is incomplete, economic actors can provide product performance information on a voluntary basis. DIBt offers independent validation and confirmation of such additional performance information in the form of a voluntary evaluation of fitness for use.
- pdf-Datei Order for an evaluation (4 pages ) of fitness for use of construction products; Last updated: 27 January 2023
Subject concerned | Applicant | Decision no. |
from / to |
Metall Polymer "MM1018P" und "MM1018FL" | DIAMANT Polymer GmbH Marie-Bernays-Ring 3a 41199 Mönchengladbach | Z-3.82-2042 |
28.11.2022 G: 15.01.2028 |
Subject | Prepared for | Number | Issued on |
Betonersatzsystem (RM-A4) "Sto Ingenieurbausystem 4" | StoCretec GmbH Gutenbergstraße 6 65830 Kriftel | G-003-19-0031 |
Spritzmörtel (SRM-A4) "SRM-Betonersatzsystem StoCrete TS 203" | StoCretec GmbH Gutenbergstraße 6 65830 Kriftel | G-003-19-0036 |
Spritzbeton (SRC-A2) "SRC-Betonersatzsystem StoCrete TS 126" | StoCretec GmbH Gutenbergstraße 6 65830 Kriftel | G-003-19-0037 |
Spritzbeton (SRC-A3) "SRC-Betonersatzsystem StoCrete TS 136" | StoCretec GmbH Gutenbergstraße 6 65830 Kriftel | G-003-19-0038 |
Betonersatzsystem (RM-A4) "Sto Ingenieurbausystem" | StoCretec GmbH Gutenbergstraße 6 65830 Kriftel | G-003-19-0042 |