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Wastewater treatment systems for transformer stations

These systems serve to treat stormwater run-off from transformer stations and retain insulating oil (transformer oil).

Regulatory framework

Systems for treating wastewater from transformer stations fall under the Ordinance on the determination of the suitability of construction products and construction techniques under water law by means of verifications in accordance with the Building Codes of the federal states (WasBauPVO). Cf. WasBauPVO Section 1(1)(g) 'Systems for limiting hydrocarbons in mineral oil containing wastewater'.

DIBt grants national technical approvals (abZ) in combination with general construction technique permits (aBG) for these systems. The abZ/aBG serve to verify the suitability of the systems both from a construction and water legislation point of view.

National procedure

A national technical approval (abZ) and/or oder general construction technique permit (aBG) is granted upon application (see Model Building Code (MBO), Sections 16a(2) and18(2) and (4)). This also applies to amendments and supplements to, or renewals of existing approvals and/or construction technique permits.

No formal requirements apply. The following information is needed: name and address of the applicant, description of the product and/or construction technique and its field of use or application, type of decision required (new decision, amendment or supplement to, or renewal of, an existing decision).

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