EOTA General Assembly with international presence
On 22 April 2021, the EOTA members got together virtually for their 18th General Assembly.
For the first time, EOTA welcomed an observer from across the Atlantic, the International Code Council Evaluation Service (ICC-ES), headquartered in in the United States and represented by its President Shahin Moinian. This was made possible by an amendment to the EOTA statutes adopted in the run-up to Brexit. It allows assessment organisations from countries outside the sphere of the Construction Products Regulation (CPR) to obtain observer status in EOTA. The British Board of Agrément (BBA), now acting as UK Assessment Body, also took this opportunity to remain part of the EOTA family.
The General Assembly also voted on several personnel matters:
After four successful and very busy years in office, Luisa Morfini’s term as the Technical Board chair drew to a close. Ms Morifni (ITC, Italy) passes on the baton to Matthias Springborn (DIBt). For her part, she moves on to head the new PT 16 project team. The objective of this team, composed of experienced EAD drafters, is to help reduce the backlog in the citation of EADs in the Official Journal of the European Union, which had formed due to the interpretation given by the European Commission to the James Elliot judgment (C-613/14) of the European Court of Justice.
Georg Kohlmaier (OIB, Austria) has been confirmed as a member of the Executive Board. The General Assembly also formally appointed Karsten Kathage (DIBt, Germany) and Luisa Morfini. Previously, both had been part of the Executive Board as officers. Karsten Kathage as the former EOTA President (until December 2020) and Luisa Morfini as outgoing chair of the Technical Board. We wish all nominees the very best for their new tasks and functions!