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Trade name: cell S, Climacell pure, Climacell akust, Climacell inside, Climacell sonic, cellfloc, climacell Loft, climacell InduTec, climacell HSX, climacell FSX, climacell Green Nature, Unifloc and Witherm

Product family: Thermal insulation material made of loose, free cellulose fibres

CWA Cellulose Werk
Angelbachtal GmbH
Etzwiesenstraße 12
74918 Angelbachtal

  • ETA

    Issued on 26/04/2021

  • ETA

    Issued on 14/04/2020

  • ETA

    Issued on 26/03/2018

  • ETA

    valid from 21/01/2013 until 21/01/2018

  • ETA

    valid from 05/10/2010 until 20/01/2013

  • ETA

    valid from 02/03/2009 until 20/01/2013