Subject: Gerüstbauteile für das Gerüstsystem "MJ UNI-CONNECT 70 ALU DUO"
MJ Gerüst GmbH
Ziegelstraße 68
58840 Plettenberg
abZ+aBG Notification
valid from 09/01/2023 until 09/01/2028
abZ+aBG Change and renewal
valid from 08/01/2022 until 08/01/2023
abZ+aBG Renewal
valid from 07/01/2021 until 07/01/2022
abZ+aBG Notification
valid from 06/01/2020 until 06/01/2021
abZ+aBG Change and renewal
valid from 13/12/2018 until 05/01/2020
abZ+aBG Change and renewal
valid from 04/01/2018 until 04/01/2019
abZ+aBG Change and renewal
valid from 03/01/2017 until 03/01/2018
abZ+aBG Renewal
valid from 02/01/2016 until 02/01/2017
abZ+aBG Renewal
valid from 01/01/2015 until 01/01/2016
abZ+aBG Notification
valid from 29/08/2014 until 31/12/2014