Section P 6

Section P 6 – Market Surveillance

Fields of Activity

The DIBt Market Surveillance Section acts as the joint market surveillance authority of the German federal states with regard to harmonised construction products. Responsibilities include:

  • uniform testing and evaluation of construction products, commissioning expert opinions and tests
  • carrying out market surveillance procedures which the market surveillance authorities of the federal states have delegated to DIBt, taking appropriate action, imposing sanctions
  • co-ordinating the market surveillance activities of the federal states
  • providing expertise to the federal states with regard to market surveillance for harmonised construction products (including related to establishing the sector-specific market surveillance strategy , developing implementation provisions and training)
  • co-operating with the customs authorities
  • collaborating with the market surveillance authorities from other EU Member States and third countries
  • notifying construction products 'presenting a serious risk' via the EU rapid alert system RAPEX
  • representing the federal states in the European Administrative Cooperation Group – Construction Products Regulation (AdCo CPR), which brings together the market surveillance authorities from the EU Member States
  • participating in joint market surveillance initiatives and in the European Information and Communication System for Market Surveillance (ICSMS)

Read more on Market surveillance